Qualcomm$501039$ - traduzione in Inglese
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Qualcomm$501039$ - traduzione in Inglese

QUALCOMM Incorporated; QUALCOMM; Qualcomm Incorporated; QUALCOMM Inc.; Qualcomm Flarion Technologies; QUALCOMM, Inc.; QChat; Qualcomm, Inc.; QCOM; Flarion; Qualcomm Europe; Qualcomm Technologies; Qualcomm Inc; Qualcom; QCOM (NASDAQ); @Qualcomm; Qualcomm Spectra; Qualcomm Inc.; Qualcomm, Incorporated; Steven Mollenkopf; Flarion Technologies

n. Qualcomm (internationaal bedrijf dat zich specialiseert in draadloze en cellulaire telefoons, haar centrum in San Diego, V.S.)


<company> A California-based technology company; their primary product is the OMNITRACS tractor-trailer-tracking system. They also develop the free and commercial versions of Eudora for Macintosh and IBM PC. (1995-10-05)



Qualcomm () is an American multinational corporation headquartered in San Diego, California, and incorporated in Delaware. It creates semiconductors, software, and services related to wireless technology. It owns patents critical to the 5G, 4G, CDMA2000, TD-SCDMA and WCDMA mobile communications standards.

Qualcomm was established in 1985 by Irwin M. Jacobs and six other co-founders. Its early research into CDMA wireless cell phone technology was funded by selling a two-way mobile digital satellite communications system known as Omnitracs. After a heated debate in the wireless industry, the 2G standard was adopted with Qualcomm's CDMA patents incorporated. Afterwards there was a series of legal disputes about pricing for licensing patents required by the standard.

Over the years, Qualcomm has expanded into selling semiconductor products in a predominantly fabless manufacturing model. It also developed semiconductor components or software for vehicles, watches, laptops, wi-fi, smartphones, and other devices.